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Activate the 3 Keys to Welcome Abundance by Applying Biblical Strategies in Free Mini-Course. #FaithandFinance

3-Part Challenge Reveals How SUCCESSFUL CHRISTIAN WOMEN Can Foster their Desired Finances through their Faith

Are you ready to step into the Abundance God has planned for you?

“I came that he may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10)


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Client Testimonial

"WOW! Having Andrea as a coach is truly life-changing! She helped me break down every goal in each area of my life."

-Leaneice C.
"Andrea is a gift for me. She taught and guided me to see the true value of my service and correctly price them including the things that I thought didn't matter before."

-Elisabeth S.

Sisters - as Faith-Based Entrepreneurs

we know this challenge too well..

The ups and downs of running a business while staying true to our Christian values.

You often feel like these two parts of your life conflict with one another.

You may feel guilty about pursuing a successful business in the first place...

While the occasional glimmer of hope… of realizing your success is part of His will, also surfaces from time to time.

But without a genuine God Centered Business Practice and Biblical Blueprint in place, that glimmer never lasts.

- You get confused again.

- Feel conflicted again.

Grow impatient. 

Unsure if the path you’re on will lead you to success, let alone success you can feel good about.

You feel isolated and overwhelmed trying to balance all of this, don’t you?

If You’re Facing Any Of These Challenges: the Faith, Finance
& the Power of Three
Course Is Showing Up To
Help You And It Is

  • Feeling overwhelmed and isolated trying to balance business with family.

  • Unsure how biblical principles translate into business building.

  • Using ineffective financial models that leave your bank account empty.

  • Sacrificing too much for too little return or reward.

  • Letting self-doubt or fear of making money in unscrupulous ways (“filthy lucre”) hold you back from scaling your business the way you’d like to.

Here’s the truth you MUST know: God desires abundance for us, not scarcity.

And His path to deliver you abundance is a unique one...

Encoded in the Bible itself...

And it’s removed from the “hustle and grind,” or the “prey on the weak” techniques we so often see in business.

If you’ve had a hard time working in those ways, it’s because you’re not meant to as a Christian woman in business..

As a follower of Christ, you know what God wants for you:

He wants your cup to overflow.

It’s up to you to place it under his spigot.

That’s why I created the Faith, Finance and the Power of Three: Activate 3 Faith-Fueled Strategies for Abundance mini-course.

To give you the practical roadmap for business success as it is written and encoded in the Bible itself.

To succeed in business God’s way.

With His power putting unlimited wind in your sails.

When we walk hand-in-hand with God, aligning our goals to His purpose for us… breakthrough happens!

And joining me inside the Faith, Finance and the Power of Three: Activate 3 Faith-Fueled Strategies for Abundance mini-course is your first step to experience your breakthrough.

Over these next few days, you’ll activate:

⭐ A God-Inspired vision for your company.

⭐ Biblical cashflow tactics.

⭐ Community of like-hearted women.

With clarity & conviction, 

you’ll transform how you operate 

and reap the rewards.

Together we’ll unlock the abundant destiny 

He has created for you.

You are worthy.

You are capable.

You are blessed.

As Malachi 3:10 shares, when we honor God by giving the first fruit of our increase and trusting His guidance - He responds in turn by opening up great blessings.

“Bring this whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”

You are deserving of this great blessing, right now. And I would be honored to be a part of it.

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Hi, I'm Andrea...

As a devoted follower of Jesus, business owner, and advisor, I struggled for many years with the mindset that building wealth was wrong.

I launched my business passionately, but soon the long hours and stress from an inconsistent client flow left me drained, questioning if this path was right.

While serving my clients with excellence, I constantly battled just to feel worthy of paying myself a salary that reflected my expertise AND effort.

Do you ever feel like you’re pouring everything into serving others yet never consider your worth?

You see, as a Christian, I had faith in God’s abundance when I thought of others... but my mindset was that as a follower of Christ, I only wanted to make enough to survive.

I realized that this was selfish - blocking me from my ability to prosper in a way that I can help financially to build the kingdom in the way we are supposed to.

Through much prayer and meditation on his word, God revealed biblical financial principles that utterly transformed not only how I operate, but changed my mindset from the way I was thinking. I pioneered these biblical approaches to entrepreneurial prosperity that align with His kingdom values.

Now, I help purpose-driven business owners unlock true abundance. My biblically-based Profit First™ system and coaching have brought radical financial turnarounds for dozens of faith-centered entrepreneurs.

And now, I want to offer you something, completely for free, to help you take the next right step to ensuring your business is both profitable and aligned with your values.

I created a 3-Module Mini-course called Faith, Finance, and the Power of Three: Activate 3 Faith-Fueled Strategies for Abundance to gift faith-driven entrepreneurs a roadmap to prosperity.

  • Module 1: Clarifying Your God-Given Vision

    - Craft your mission from a Godly vision
    - Pinpoint values and purpose
    - Align business goals to your convictions

  • Module 2: Setting Faith-Filled Goals

    - Conquer limiting beliefs
    - Tap into conviction to propel natural potential
    - Set SMART goals to make it all possible

  • Module 3: Navigating the Path to Abundance

    - Team up with like-hearted peers for support
    - Share wisdom and upgrades to bless others
    - Collectively sow into kingdom legacy

To begin your course, please provide your email address below. You’ll receive instant access immediately after signing up.

The modules are short and impactful - perfect for a busy schedule. Go through them at your own pace over the next few days.

But don’t wait - because this Free gift won’t be available forever…

Once you complete this course, you’ll have the clarity and next steps rooted in Biblical wisdom - helping you align your business and entrepreneurial journey with faith-based principles for prosperity.

Plus, you’ll get details on how to stay connected in the Achieving Abundance community for ongoing inspiration and support.

Here's the Catch

You Have Unlimited Access To Faith, Finance, and the Power of Three For a Limited Time. After That, Access To Your Membership Portal Will Be Close

Why Limited Access?

I have plans to sell this mini-course for $497. But I was called to first offer this course for free to faith-driven women who truly need it in their lives and their businesses.

But, I want to ensure that this content is going to those who will use it. So I decided to offer access for a limited time. Knowing that your time is limited to go through the training means you’ll be more likely to get it done and reap the benefits from doing so.

The modules are short, with most videos coming in at under 10 minutes (and even faster if you increase the speed)...

So you will have ample time to complete the training, and the motivation to do so.


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At Last: The 3-Step Faith-Based Formula to Harmonize
Godly Devotion and Financial Prosperity

⭐ Biblical Principles in Modern Business: Discover the timeless messages from inside the Bible that will show you exactly how to run your business profitably and effectively in today’s modern world.

⭐ Overcome Analysis Paralysis & Decision Fatigue: Receive expert biblical insight to directly implement practical growth steps. Cut overwhelm from figuring it all out alone (because you’re never alone).

⭐ Never Feel Isolated or Out of Alignment Again: Join a tight-knit network of fellow Christian women entrepreneurs who understand your purpose and share your path - providing Christian support you won’t find elsewhere.

This is a unique opportunity to step inside my world and see how you too can view your business and your finances from a new perspective.

It’s a chance to see real change in how you approach business and life.

Just as it says in Proverbs 16:3, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans...” 

Joining us inside will be a stepping stone toward God establishing the plans and prosperity for your business in amazing ways beyond what you can imagine right now.

Your Moment of Abundance Has Arrived - 
Step Boldly into These Blessings

You’re ready to step into the abundance God has planned for you. The time is NOW to transform your business with faith at the forefront.

Join us in this journey of growth, faith, and financial freedom.

Secure your spot now.


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The Choice Awaits You...

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

Of course, this opportunity requires dedication and discipline to apply what you’re given. If you aren’t prepared to integrate biblical lessons into the foundation of your business with commitment and consistency… then this mini-course sadly won’t provide the breakthrough you seek.

The choice awaits: continue struggling month after month to reinvent the wheel alone… or join a compassionate community to build your Kingdom-focused company God’s way. 

Which path sounds more aligned with the destiny written over your life by the Author Himself? 

I urge you: Choose Abundance


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  • Disclaimer

    This offer is intended for serious participants only. The strategies and teachings are based on biblical principles and are designed to be implemented with faith and dedication. Results may vary based on individual efforts and adherence to the teachings.